Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital (CCH) was established with the support of Dr. B.C.Roy, an eminent physician and then the Chief Minister of West Bengal. The hospital was formally inaugurated by Prof. Madam J.Curie in January 2, 1950 and named after Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, as a tribute to and in the acknowledgement of the enormous donation of his land and property for the cause. Initially this was a Cancer -treatment Centre which gradually expanded its activities in basic and clinical -research with the assistance from government funding organizations. This eventually led to the founding of the Chittaranjan National cancer Centre (CNCRC), funded by the Government of India in 1957, which was committed to basic research on cancer. The Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital and Chittaranjan National Cancer Research Centre functioned as separate entities in adjacent buildings until they were merged in 1987 and emergence of Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) with the objective of serving as a premier Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) for the Eastern Region of the Country.
A New State of the Art 460 Bedded Hospital as the second campus of the Institute was inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi on 07th January, 2022.