About the Department
Department of Radiotherapy provides comprehensive therapeutic decision and implementation of treatment options regarding clinical management of cancer patients that includes a multidisciplinary cancer care (Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy as per capacity) often adjunctto surgicai nterventions. Our radiation oncologists participate in the institutional joint tumour boards and perform radiation treatment planning, evaluation, execution and follow-up of the patients. In association with medical physicists’and technicians’ team the department deliver different radiation modalities in radical, palliative and prophylactic intents for various cancers.
The department has a glorious legacy of the past when it first came up with radium needles, ortho and megavoltage teletherapy machines and subsequently Tele Caesium and Tele-Cobalt in the era of nineteen hundred sixties.
Today it possesses state-of-the-art equipment for delivering radiation to the cancer patients. It is equipped with one Dual Energy Linear accelerator (ELEKTA Synergy), one 6 MV Linear accelerator (ELEKTA Synergy platform), Telecobalt machine , 16 slice CT simulator (Wipro-GE) and one Ir-192 HDR after loading brachytherapy machine. The department in the second campus is equipped with one Ir-192 HDR after-loading brachytherapy unit (One Brachytherapy Treatment Planning Systems Two Linear Accelarators (Varian True Beam SVC), Ten EBRT Treatment Planning Systems, Eighteen Scheduling Systems (ARIA), Ten Contouring Systems, and Two SGRT systems (Vision RT), and one PET-CT simulator (GE).

Clinical & Academic Activities
3D-CRT, IMRT, IGRT, SRS and SRT are regularly practised.The Brachytherapy machines are regularly used for Intracavitory and interstitial therapy for cancers of cervix uteri, prostate, breast, soft tissues and Head & Neck area. Around 2500 new cases receive radiation therapy per year. The department conduct MD radiotherapy course under NMC, Government of India and various academic activities throughout the year.